The Cucumber Patch

Deliciously Easy Vegan Recipes

Seitan Steak

Seitan Steak

This steak isn't standard, so what's the secret? Beet and kidney beans! They lend to a tender and juicy result.

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Hello, I'm Amber! I live in Northern Virginia with my Husband and our 9 year old son. I'm vegan btw. Alright, now that introductions are over with, has anyone else noticed how difficult it is to find simple and satisfying recipes without having to scroll past the posters entire life story? Yeah, me too and that's why I created The Cucumber Patch 🥒 for vegans and eaters of good food alike to share my love and passion for delicious cruelty free dishes. Food tastes better when you know it wasn't made in part with suffering and you shouldn't have to either while trying to prepare a meal! I hope you find useful information herein and are left in a plant driven food coma once your dish is completed! And I'm always here to answer any questions you may have. 

Welcome to the patch! ðŸ˜Š